Vzdělávání pro budoucnost:
naše přístupy a metody
Ve Škole FLOW nabízíme vzdělávací programy, které jsou pečlivě navrženy pro rozvoj schopností a talentů každého studenta. Zaměřujeme se na kombinaci inovativních pedagogických přístupů s tradičními akademickými základy, abychom zajistili, že naši studenti jsou připraveni na výzvy 21. století.
Jak ve Flow učíme
Naší vizí je být regionálním lídrem v oblasti základního vzdělávání založeného na projektové výuce, technologiích a rozšířené výuce cizích jazyků s cílem dosáhnout pozitivní systémové změny v celé České republice. Naší misí je pomoct dětem rozvíjet myšlení budoucích inovátorů.
Holistic development of children
Overall, our school emphasizes an innovative and holistic approach to education that respects the individual needs and interests of each child. We strive to create an environment in which children can learn through experience, discovery and practical application of knowledge. Our goal is to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful life in the 21st century, with key values such as collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and social responsibility firmly embedded in our curriculum.
A group of project components
Our daycare center is not just a place to babysit after school, but an active and proactive environment that expands and complements the daily learning program. Activities in the club are carefully planned to correspond with the monthly projects and support their goals. Children here have the opportunity to further develop their skills and knowledge through various forms of work, which may include creative workshops, scientific experiments or other practical activities. In this way, the retinue becomes an integral part of the overall educational experience, strengthens the children's relationship with learning and supports their overall development.
Monthly Plans
Every month we prepare a comprehensive document for parents, which contains an overview of expected project goals, didactic goals, key competencies and expected outputs from the main subjects. This transparency allows parents a better understanding of the school program and encourages their involvement in their children's educational process.
Events & Excursions
Part of our educational program are regular trips and field trips that allow children to explore the world outside the classroom and apply the knowledge gained in practice. These activities not only expand the horizons of children, but also promote their social and emotional development. In addition, they allow children to better understand the complexities and realities of everyday life and develop a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn.
Demo days
These days are reserved for the presentation of the children's work on the projects they created during the month. The format of these presentations is flexible so that children can experiment with different ways of expressing and sharing their ideas. Demo days are also a significant opportunity for parents to see the progress and achievements of their children, which strengthens the relationship between school and family and encourages mutual cooperation.
Projects as relationships
Our projects are designed to reflect the real world, from identifying a problem to solving and presenting it. Each project lasts a month and involves a challenge, a process of finding a solution and presenting it in front of others. This approach strengthens children's ability for critical thinking, teamwork and effective communication. Children learn not only to work on a project, but also to present their results, which prepares them for future challenges in both academic and professional life.
Flexible furniture
In our school, we place emphasis on modern and innovative approaches to education, which is reflected in the layout of our classrooms. We are moving away from traditional, rigidly placed benches that limited opportunities for learning and interaction. Instead, our classrooms are equipped with flexible furniture that can be easily moved and adapted to the current educational needs.
English according to Cambridge
Our school places an emphasis on quality English teaching, which is why we work with native speakers who teach according to the proven methodologies of Cambridge English and Jolly Phonics. This combined approach involves playful and interactive techniques that not only entertain children, but also effectively support the development of their language skills. Regular Cambridge tests are then a valuable tool for measuring children's progress and readiness internationally, opening the door to a world of global opportunity for them.
Hejny's mathematics
The use of the Hejný method in mathematics represents a revolutionary approach that focuses on a deep understanding of mathematical principles and concepts through discovery, experimentation and practical applications. This approach allows children to see mathematics in a broader context and use it as a tool for solving real-world problems. Thanks to this, mathematics ceases to be a bogeyman and becomes a fascinating subject that develops logical thinking and the ability to think analytically.
Comenia Script
Adopting the Comenia Script method in our teaching brings many benefits. This writing method is designed to be intuitive and promote the natural development of writing skills in children. Thanks to its easy legibility and intelligibility, children learn to write faster and more efficiently, which leads to a better and faster acquisition of the ability to write and read. Comenia Script thus represents a significant step forward in making written expression accessible to all pupils.
Teaching in blocks
Moving from traditional 45-minute classes to 90-minute blocks allows us to delve deeper into topics and give children space to understand the curriculum. This approach promotes learning in “flow”, a state of maximum concentration and engagement, and enables the acquisition of new information more effectively. Children have three such blocks per day, which means fewer transfers and more time for quality teaching.
Morning ring
We start each school day with a unique meeting - a morning circle, where children have the opportunity to freely express themselves on any topic, share their emotions and mentally prepare for the coming day. This time is not only about sharing, but also about practicing non-violent communication, where children learn to express their thoughts and feelings in a way that respects others. The feedback session, a section dedicated to mutual feedback, helps build a positive relationship with self-expression and strengthens children's social skills.
The path to personal growth
Our goal is to develop deep self-awareness in our students, which we consider to be the cornerstone of personal growth and success. We believe that self-awareness represents the first step towards self-knowledge, self-reflection and self-management, which are key aspects for the formation of strong and resilient personalities.
Key to the development of social skills
We encourage collaboration between students as we consider it essential to develop their social skills and ability to work effectively in a team. Cooperation is the basis for building interpersonal relationships, improving communication and developing empathy, qualities important not only in the school environment, but also in future professional and personal life.
A door to a world of unique talents
Creativity helps children discover and develop their unique talents. We encourage a creative approach to learning that allows them to come up with unconventional solutions to problems, experiment and manifest their ideas in an original way. In our teaching, we emphasize critical thinking, teamwork and innovation, which are fundamental to developing creativity and adaptability in an ever-changing world.
Kreativita a kritické myšlení
Vstoupit do světa FLOW je začátkem jedinečné vzdělávací cesty. Naše přijímací řízení je navrženo tak, aby bylo co nejpřístupnější a zároveň nám umožnilo poznat každé dítě. Zde je přehled toho, co můžete očekávat, a jak se můžete stát součástí naší školy.
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IČ: 08916403
Red IZO: 691016054 / IZO: 181129167
Data box: uf3q7m6
Account number: 8011080110/2010
Contact the GDPR Officer: gdpr@skolaflow.cz